This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not
that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. 1 John 4:9-10

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Bike Ride Anyone?

This year, I will be participating in an exciting activity - the BP MS 150!

The MS 150 bike ride is a unique way to raise money and awareness for multiple sclerosis. In July, our family friend was diagnosed with MS and for this reason I have decided to participate in this 150 bike ride from Houston to Austin. Although I am not an avid bike rider, I am excited about this opportunity to raise awareness and funds to help counter the affects MS is having on those around me. I am asking you to support me in this effort by making a donation to the National MS Society.

Every donation, whether large or small, will make a difference!  Thank you so much for partnering with me and please understand my heartfelt appreciation for any support you can give in this journey to fight against MS.

Here is some additional information about MS: Multiple sclerosis is a progressive neurological disease that affects people in many different ways. It could be paralysis one day, loss of vision the next or impaired memory the day after that. Living with MS means living with uncertainty.

When it comes to MS, only two things are certain: 
·      Another American is newly diagnosed with MS every hour of every day. 
·      Many people are joining the movement toward a world free of MS, including me.

Why I Ride: I've registered for BP MS 150 to fulfill a personal challenge, and to help the National MS Society fund research, advocate for change, and help people with MS and their families lead powerful lives. I believe in the work they do and want to be an active part of it. I know I can count on your help.

Let's Move Forward Together: The Society organizes 100 rides nationwide. The funds they raise fuel research aimed at treating and eventually curing MS; they also provide crucial services for persons living with MS.

I'm helping the National MS Society move forward toward a world without MS and making a difference in the lives of 400,000 Americans with multiple sclerosis.

I would love for you to join me in this endeavor! Click here to see more.

     Lots of love,
     Jenny Butler

This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us. 1 John 4: 10-12

Thursday, September 29, 2011

A little thing called "full-circle" stories!

If you know me at all, you know that I am in love with Operation Christmas Child. I find so much joy in simply participating in the project so the fact that I get to work for this organization is an absolute honor.

My job revolves around seeing the impact Operation Christmas Child continually has around the world and right here in the United States. I still don't know what I find more inspiring- those packing the gifts or those receiving them. It's incredible to see children, families and communities demonstrate compassion, in a simple yet life-changing way, as they fill shoe boxes for children they've never met. On the other hand, I have heard story after story and seen video after video of children opening their shoe box gifts and  learning about the hope of Jesus Christ that have filled my sould with uncontanable joy.
So why is my job so cool? I get to talk to children like Victoria tell me what it was like to receive this gift of hope and then share their story with their community. It's stories like these that make fill my heart with endless encouragement and motivation as see a simple shoe box gift make an eternal difference in not just one life, but many!
I wanted to share with you the story of an incredible girl, Victoria Blaske, who now lives in Lynden, Washington. Victoria is originally from Ghana, but was adopted in 2008. After receiving an Operation Christmas Child shoe box gift while living at a children’s home, Victoria now relishes the opportunity to share that same gift of love with other children in need. Even though she is only 12-years-old, Victoria desires to pack and send these gifts to children just like her so that they can experience the same feeling of joy that she did.  

After Receiving Her Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box Gift as an Orphan in Ghana, Victoria Blaske is Sharing That Same Simple Gift of Hope With Other Kids in Need
 “I can just picture Victoria—in her tattered school uniform—holding her shoe box on her head, running full speed and full of joy all the way home.” – Carrie Blaske, mother of Victoria Blaske
The joyful spirit Victoria Blaske radiates would never give anyone the impression that her life was very difficult for years. Growing up in a remote village in northern Ghana, Victoria lived in a mud hut amidst an impoverished community with her aunt, uncle and six cousins.

One day, when Victoria was 7 years old, a big truck carrying cartons filled with Operation Christmas Child shoe box gifts arrived at her school. “I was so excited to see all the boxes,” recalls Victoria, who had never received a toy until she was given a gift-filled shoe box, hand-packed by a family in America. Once each student had a shoe box in hand, the children were asked to open their gifts when they had arrived safely back at home.  The school children from Victoria’s village gathered together under a large mango tree, and as they opened their shoe box gifts the sounds of joy and laughter filled the air.

The details of that joy-filled day are sealed in Victoria’s memory. For a child who had experienced great loss, this shoe box gift brought tremendous happiness. Inside, Victoria found items such as washcloths, bubble gum and a plastic horse that, although may seem simple to the average American, impacted her life forever.

As providing food for everyone in their household became increasingly difficult, Victoria moved from her aunt and uncle’s care into a children’s home. A year and half later, in March of 2008, Victoria was adopted by Dave and Carrie Blaske of Lynden, Washington.

Knowing the impact these simple gifts can have, Victoria now looks forward to packing shoe boxes with toys, hygiene products, school supplies and hand-written notes for other kids in need.

“Victoria is so full of joy and her heart to help other kids is huge,” said Carrie Blaske, the mother of now 12-year-old Victoria. “She wants these boxes to go to children just like her so that they can experience the same love that she has.”

This year, Faith Community Church in Lynden will serve as a collection site for Operation Christmas Child gift-filled shoe boxes. For more information about hours during National Collection Week, Nov. 14-21, visit the collection site zip code locator at  The participation of Lynden residents will help ensure that some 8.5 million children in over 100 countries suffering from natural disaster, war, terrorism, disease, famine and poverty will have Christmas this year.

ABOUT OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD: Since 1993, Operation Christmas Child has hand-delivered shoe box gifts to more than 86 million hurting children in more than 130 countries.  Staff and volunteers use whatever means necessary—ships, trucks, buses, trains, airplanes, boats, camels, even dog sleds—to reach suffering children.
Samaritan's Purse uses tracking technology that allows donors to "follow your box" to the destination country where it will be hand-delivered to a child in need.  By clicking on “Follow Your Box” at, families can register their boxes and find out where in the world their boxes brought joy to children.
To volunteer or learn how to pack and send an Operation Christmas Child shoe box gift, call (253) 572-1155 or visit  National Collection Week for gift-filled shoe boxes is Nov. 14-21; however, shoe box gifts are collected all year at the Samaritan’s Purse headquarters in Boone, N.C.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Cup of Joy - India

 Thankful for this morning's Operation Christmas Child Cup of Joy!

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit  -Romans 15:13

Monday, September 12, 2011

Cup of Joy - Ukraine

Sweet smiles coming from Ukraine :) 

Multiplying the Power of a Simple Gift

Operation Christmas Child begins a ripple effect among individuals and communities in Ukraine
Sometimes one selfless act of love can have a ripple effect on the lives of others, prompting them to reach out beyond themselves and touch the heart of another, no matter how small the gesture may seem.

That’s what made Christmas 2009 extra special for young Ivan Bogun.

The Ukranian boy received a gift-filled shoe box at an Operation Christmas Child party in his village. Ivan eagerly hurried home to show his mother the beautiful gifts he had received in the box, especially the shiny new toys. His eyes lit up as he continued to pull out pencils, a notebook, and toothpaste. He also handed her the little booklet that he received at the distribution telling the Gospel story.

Natalia rejoiced over her son’s excitement as he described the Christmas celebration in detail. During the event, Ivan and his friends heard a presentation about God’s gift of the Savior to the world. Hearing about the sacrifice Jesus made for him had left an impression on the young boy’s heart.

Later that day, Natalia was surprised when her son came to her with a worried look on his face. The elation from just hours ago had disappeared.

“What about the children who live on the streets?” he asked. “Someone gave me this box and this book. They don’t have any of these things.”

His mother suggested that he offer a gift from his shoe box to a needy child. Ivan’s countenance brightened. He gathered up his new toys and returned to her side a few minutes later with not just one, but the entire box of gifts.

Realizing her son was genuine, she set out with him on a walk through their neighborhood in search of a homeless child.

“He ended up giving his present to a boy in the community and told him about Jesus,” she said. “I saw that the gift which my child had received had created a desire in him to give to others.”

That same desire to give back was experienced this year in the tiny village of Bogomazy in southern Ukraine. After shoe box gifts were delivered to the children in December, one local church offered a follow-up discipleship program to boys and girls who wanted to learn more about Jesus. Five parents joined their children in the class.

Seeing the need for a ministry to adults in the community, the church embarked on an outreach program. Twenty adults came to faith in Christ, and a new church was planted.

But the impact did not stop there. Several men from the congregation felt led to minister to inmates at a nearby prison. Ten of the prisoners have since committed their hearts to Jesus, and now members from the new church take turns holding weekly services in the prison.

“So now two churches have started in Bogomazy—one in prison and one in the community,” said a member of the Operation Christmas Child National Leadership Team in Ukraine. “We are encouraged by the new openness of churches and the relationships they are building as a result of Operation Christmas Child.”



For the families, churches, and groups that will be packing shoe boxes this year, for the volunteers who will operate collection centers and work at processing centers, and for the children who will receive the gifts.


National Collection Week is scheduled for November 14-21. Samaritan’s Purse hopes to collect 8.5 million shoe boxes to deliver to children in some 100 countries around the world. Click here to order resource kits and other promotional materials for your church or group, and for more information about the program.


The Greatest Journey is an exciting discipleshiip program that teaches children to become faithful followers of Jesus Christ. Click here to help support this project.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

hurricane irene

Perhaps it's because it would take me 30 hours to drive 1,800 plus miles over American soil to reach the east coast where Hurrican Irene made landfall on August 27th.

Perhaps it's because our country is so developed that emergency response teams- both NGO and governmentally run -were set up to take action immediately after the hurricane made landfall.

Whatever the reason be, the events and after effects of Hurrican Irene seem so distant.

Looking through these pictures today helped me grasp the reality of what's happening on the east coast. I can't even imagine a life where everything I have is damaged or destroyed by forces outside of my control, but that's the way of life for people here in American and around the world. Whether that devastation comes from a natural disaster or war-filled conflict, entire communities are left in the wake of destruction. In this destruction, everything that once held us together falls apart and we see that being dependent on the things of this world leaves us feeling empty and weary. It's in these moments that God says to us, "I will satisfy the weary soul, and every faint soul I will replenish"(Jeremiah 31:25).

The Word of God tells us that "you will seek the Lord your God and you will find him, if you search after him with all your heart and with all your soul" (Dueteronomy 4:29).  I pray that in the midst of this chaos people will seek the Lord; because if they do, they will find Him and in Him be refreshed. As life has progressed, God has continually shown me that he is a God of restoration that reconciles people into His presence through His outpouring of grace. So if you're experiencing some type of "destruction" today, remember that God is in the midst of everything and he is working through all things. Just ask Him to reveal Himself to you.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Cup of Joy with a little Charles Spurgeon

Enjoy this Cup of Joy all the way from Zimbabwe!

Now, I want to share a little excert from a Charles Spurgeon sermon called Grace Abounding that I consider worth the read.

"No matter how sinful man may be, yet the light of day descends upon him unasked for and unsought. Such is the grace of God; where it comes it comes not because sought, or deserved, but simply from the goodness of the heart of God, which, like the sun, blesseth as it wills. Mark you the gentle winds of heaven, the breath of God to revive the languishing, the soft breezes. See the sick man at the sea-side, drinking in health from the breezes of the salt sea. Those lungs may heave to utter the lascivious song, but the healing wind is not restrained, and whether it be breast of saint or sinner, yet that wind ceaseth not from any. So in gracious visitations, God waiteth not till man is good before he sends the heavenly wind, with healing beneath its wings; even as he pleaseth so it bloweth, and to the most undeserving it cometh.

Observe the rain which drops from heaven. It falls upon the desert as well as upon the fertile field; it drops upon the rock that will refuse its fertilizing moisture as well as upon the soil that opens its gaping mouth to drink it in with gratitude. See, it falls upon the hard-trodden streets of the populous city, where it is not required, and where men will even curse it for coming, and it falls not more freely where the sweet flowers have been panting for it, and the withering leaves have been rustling forth their prayers.

Such is the grace of God. It does not visit us because we ask it, much less, because we deserve it; but as God wills it, and the bottles of heaven are unstopped, so God wills it, and grace descends. No matter how vile, and black, and foul, and godless, men may be, he will have mercy on whom he will have mercy, and that free, rich, overflowing goodness of his can make the very worst and least deserving the objects of his best and choicest love."

Monday, August 29, 2011

Cup of Joy: 8/29

Love the smile a morning Cup of Joy with Operation Christmas Child brings to my face :)

(I've said it before, but I'll say it again- It is such an honor to work with an organization that is not ashamed of the gospel and longs for people around the world to know the hope, love and joy of Jesus Christ!)